Project or Token Page in Nimera Swap

The project’s page is a part of the statistics section of Nimera Swap. From here, users can discover useful information about a project and decide whether it’s worth backing, either as a trader or as a Liquidity Provider.

As a general rule of thumb, projects with well-constructed pages and disguisable value prepositions are more likely to attract traders and Liquidity Providers either through marketing or community management and thus, create more earning opportunities for Nimera Swap users.

The project page holds other important information that can help you decide whether the project is worth supporting.

At the top of the page, you will find:

  • A project’s description and tagline that tell what the project is about and what it sets out to achieve.
  • Social links to the project’s social media pages.
  • Website link, where you can learn more about the project.

Note, that the project page also contains the swap or liquidity provision widget. Thus, If the project peaks your interest, you can engage with the pools where the project's assets are traded without leaving the page.

The project page also holds valuable statistics that can tell more about the tokne’s performance on Nimera Swap.

On top of the page is the bar chart that represents the Total Volume for this Token in the pools

The general analytics block holds information about the averaged price, volume, transactions and liquidity of the asset.

Next are two tables:

One that shows all pools in which the asset is traded:

And another one that displays transactions made with this asset across any pool where the asset is traded: