User cabinet in Nimera Swap

In nimera Swap, users have access to pages that display information, only accessible and valuable for that particular user. These pages are advantageous when you want to learn about your past transactions, check your pool shares in a single place, track how your fee accumulation has changed in the last 24 hours and more.

My Pools Page

This screenshot was taken in a testing environment and does not represent any actual financial information.

To view the My Pools page, navigate to “Swap → App -→ My pools”.

The My Pools page shows a list of pools where you are participating as a Liquidity Provider, as well as your total liquidity share, expressed in EUR, and fees you’ve accumulated over the last 24 hours.

The table on the My Pools page shows:

  • A full list of your pools;
  • The amount of both tokens in each pool;
  • The overall liquidity of each pool;
  • Your share of each pool in percents;
  • The fees accumulated over the last 24 hours from each pool.

My Transactions Page

This screenshot was taken in a testing environment and does not represent any actual financial information.

To view the My Transactions page, navigate to “Swap → App -→ My Transactions”.

The My Transactions page shows all transactions you made in the Nimera Swap, as well as their statuses.

The table shows:

  • Transaction types;
  • Which currencies were involved in a transaction;
  • The total value of the transaction in EUR;
  • Amount of each tokens involved in a transaction;
  • The transaction status;
  • When the transaction was made.

You can also filter transactions by the following types:

  • Add: you’ve supplied liquidity to a pool;
  • Swap: you’ve traded, or swapped cryptos;
  • Remove: you’ve exited a pool by withdrawing liquidity.