Statistics in Nimera Swap

The Statistics page provides information on the Pools, Tokens and general Statistics in Nimera Swap.

The Statistics page is located in the Nimera Swap drop down menu.

You can use the buttons on the top of the page to see the detailed information on the Tokens and the Pools.

Use the Search field to look for Pools and Tokens within the Nimera Swap.

Three bar charts represent Total volume, Total liquidity, and Total fees paid.

The drop down menu in the top right corner of the chart allows to change the time range of the chart.

The scale of the chart can be changed by changing the selection below it.

The Top Tokens charts represent the data about 3 Tokens with the greatest liquidity.

Data type, detalization and time range can be changed in the bar above, simultaneously for all 3 charts.

List of the Top pools and List of the Latest transactions can be found at the end of the page.

The Statistics page has two other tabs at the top of the page: Tokens and Pools.

Tokens Tab

The tokens tab shows top-performing projects on Nimera Swap.

The table displays:

  • Project name;
  • Token ticker;
  • Current Liquidity and 24 hours change in percentage;
  • Current volume and 24 hours change in percentage;
  • Current averaged price and 24 hours change in percentage.

The current liquidity and volume are displayed across all pairs with that token or project, while the price is averaged.

From here, you can navigate to the project’s or token’s page by clicking on the project name or icon to see more detailed statistics.

You can also bring up a swap widget by clicking the “swap” icon.

Or the liquidity provision widget by clicking the “add liquidity” icon.

Pools Tab

The pools tab shows top performing pools on Nimera Swap. One project can have multiple pools, thus the number of pools can be greater than the number of projects on the platform. Furthermore, the same project may have one pool that is significantly more performant and active than the other.

The table displays:

  • Currencies that are in a pool;
  • Current Liquidity of a pool and 24 hours change in percentage;
  • Current volume of a pool and 24 hours change in percentage;
  • How many fees were accumulated for Liquidity Providers in a pool and 24 hours change against a previous period in percentage.

Clicking on the pool name or currency icons will take you to the pool’s page.

You can also bring up a swap widget by clicking the “swap” icon.

Or the liquidity provision widget by clicking the “add liquidity” icon.